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发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:


AIMSEC 特别专题会

The International Workshop on Electrical Engineering and Automation Control

(EEAC 2011)(Ei Compendex)


Aut. 8th ~ 10th, 2011 Henan, China 中国 郑州,2011年8月8日~10日

Website 会议网站:http://www.msaiconf.org/eeac

The International Workshop on Electrical Engineering and Automation Control(EEAC 2011)will be held from Aug 8th to 10th, 2011 in Zhengzhou, China. Some well-known experts both at home and abroad will be invited to give the keynote- speech. EEAC 2011 aims to provide a high-level international forum for experts, academics and researchers to exchange ideas and establish friendship. The experts can also share their excellent papers and achievements with others, and discuss the latest achievements and advances of that field together.

All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society’s CPS, included in the IEEE eXplore, and then can be indexed by Ei Compendex.

IEEE电气与自动化控制国际研讨会(EEAC 2011)是由美国电子和电气工程师协会(IEEE),IEEE北京分部(IEEE Beijing Section CIS Chapter)主办,由河南理工大学承办,将于2011年8月8至10日在中国郑州举行。作为第二届IEEE人工智能,管理科学和电子商务国际学术会议的特别分会,会议邀请国内外知名专家到会做主题报告,旨在致力于为该领域的专家和学者提供一个学术交流与建立友谊的平台,使广大学者分享优秀论文及科研成果,共同该领域中的新理论与新应用。(办会证明点击查看)

会议论文集由IEEE 出版发行,并被Ei全文核心检索,部分优秀论文(扩后)将选送到SCI杂志发表。


IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1117P-CDR ISBN: 978-1-4577-0534-2

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1117P-PRT ISBN: 978-1-4577-0607-3

Click here to visit the IEEE Conference List


Expert Consultative Committee of Chinese Association of Automation(中国自动化协会专家咨询委员会)

Zhengzhou University(郑州大学)

North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power(华北水利水电大学)

University of Gloucestershire(英国格洛斯特大学)

Eindhoven University of Technology(荷兰爱因霍芬科技大学)

University of Birmingham(英国伯明翰大学)

Wuhan University(武汉大学)

Tianjin University(天津大学)

Jilin University(吉林大学)

Communication University of China(中国传媒大学)

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(上海理工大学)

Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology(南京信息工程大学)


Topics include, but are not limited to(主题包括但不完全涵盖):

Electrical Engineering(电气工程)

Pattern Recognition(图像/模式识别)

Manufacturing and Automation Control Engineering Technology(制造与自动化控制工程技术)

CAD/CAM/CIM and Simulation(计算机辅助设计和制造,计算机集成制造和仿真)

Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2011.



Paper Submission:http://www.confservice.org/login.aspx?id=eeac2011





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